The Back Porch

The Back Porch is where it all happens—relationships are formed, stories are told, advice is passed down. Here is where we share news, articles, advice and thoughts. Pull up a chair.

Celebrating Dads Video Poser Frame

Celebrating our Dads

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A Happy Father’s Day Message from Gracestone! Natalie: Here at the Gracestone Group, we love our dads. Dad taught me to find beauty in the outdoors. He introduced me to the music of B.B. King and he showed me how to remain calm under terrible pressure. Helen: Father’s Day is an opportunity to honor those…

The Disney Index*

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“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.”Walt Disney

We hope this post finds all of you well and virus-free. As we study the first quarter and contemplate the reopening of the economy, Walt Disney’s words ring true.

A Handy Guide to a Rational Perspective

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It’s easy to lose a sense of perspective when hit by a surprise crisis. On January 1st, we did not anticipate that dietary habits in the ‘wet markets’ of Wuhan, China would combine with a price war over oil to kill the great bull market that started in 2009. Wet markets (Wuhan) + price war…

We’re All in This Together

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As we embark on another tumultuous week, we want to emphasize a few things to you. We are all in this TOGETHER. We consider ourselves to be partners with you, helping you make the most of your life. We’re here for you in this time of medical uncertainty and financial turmoil. Accordingly, we want to…

Nothing Beats Good Preparation

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As we close out a tumultuous week, we wanted to reach out to address the current volatility in the markets and to let you know our thinking and thoughts moving forward. Nothing beats good preparation. Our focus on risk when structuring your accounts, before the current volatility, will help the accounts weather this storm with…

Invest Like Girls

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Take control of your financial future with these four steps on how anyone can invest like girls. Natalie Schweers learned the value of saving and investing at a young age from her grandmother. With a strong vision of realizing her dreams and a desire to challenge societal norms around women and money, Natalie secured her…