Advisory Services
Investment management, portfolio construction and securities analysis are our primary focus. We build the investment framework, and work with third party portfolio managers (our stock pickers) to select the securities deemed best for any given goal.
Three main principles guide our investment philosophy. First, we believe in building portfolios that both capture opportunity and weather downturns. Second, we believe in taking no more risk than is necessary to meet your goals. Third, if you don’t understand it, you probably shouldn’t invest in it.
Retirement planning takes many forms, including traditional retirement vehicles and employer-sponsored retirement plans. In addition, we specialize in the development of deferred compensation plans and cash balance plans to shelter income from taxation and boost retirement savings. These plans work especially well for owners of privately held businesses, individuals with multiple income streams and attorneys who are paid contingency fees (personal injury, class action and mass tort).
Financial planning, risk management and insurance reviews are standard services for clients with whom we have an investment relationship. We are especially well-versed in the various uses of life insurance, including leveraged plans for individuals with multiple income streams.
Likewise, we frequently act as an independent sounding board and consultant for family and corporate financial matters. These include business issues, tax compliance and oversight, legal issues and accounting.